In celebration of the 200th anniversary of Missouri (2021) entry into statehood, this book describes the lives and important contributions of thirty-four famous Missourians. Written by a famous Missourian, Dr. Thomas H. Olbricht, the book combines biographical information with a fresh approach of the author's own reflections, memories, and connections with the subjects. Whether you are a Missourian or not, you will come to appreciate Missouri's surprising influence on the State, the country, and the world.
Some of the colorful profiles included: Stephen F. Austin, Dale Carnegie, Walt Disney, Wyatt Earp, T. S. Eliot, Scott Joplin, JC Penney, Ginger Rogers, Dred Scot, Margaret Truman, Sam Walton, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
(Contains more than 120 color photos and indices of Places and Names.)