Follow the suspense as each person in Jesus' life comes to terms with who they are, and who Jesus is. Jesus accepts them as they are. But can they accept themselves as they are? More than that, can they accept Jesus as he is? Both God and man? Both Creator and created? Both King and servant?
It is the story of doubts explained away, animosities melted away, misunderstandings cleared away. It is your story and mine. For deep within each of us is everyone who ever met and struggled with Jesus.
They Met Jesus is a lyrical novel series with the reader allowed to give opinions. Also at the end of each chapter are discussion questions ancient historical records cited and scriptures used as a basis for the story
At the end of the book are suggested chapter readings for special occasions It also has a three page bibliography of all books consulted while writing all eight volumes of Soul Journey With the Real Jesus This is not just a novel It is much more.
Do you have the courage to enter the lives of first-century strugglers? To sometimes go into their heart as their disbelieving-self struggles with their believing-self? Even in His infancy, Jesus awoke in them a longing that some did not even know they had. Come along if you dare on a journey when THEY MET JESUS and the hearts of those who sometimes doubted.
Get all books in this series on 100 people who met and struggled with Jesus. Book 1 Star Song. Book 2 Dream Maker. Book 3 Hearts Afire. Book 4 Folk Hero. Book 5 Flood Gates. Book 6 Promise Keeper. Book 7 Shadow of Death. Book 8 Come Fly With Me
(The author has approached several Hollywood producers about turning this into a weekly TV series.)