In every age and in every country there are always those few individuals who seek more satisfying answers to the great questions of life than they can find in their local churches and temples or through science. If their quest is sincere and they persist, they will eventually be drawn into contact with one of the world's Mystery Schools, where they may be instructed and trained. There have always been centers, called Mystery Schools, responding to the cry for understanding from aspirants throughout the ages.
Today such close secrecy is no longer necessary. Much may now be given out openly which formerly could be imparted only in private and by word of mouth. The greatest secrets, however, can never be transmitted by written or spoken word. That secrecy that guards the deepest esoteric knowledge is not imposed by the custodians of Ageless Wisdom but by human ignorance. It is the kind of secrecy that shrouds the work of great scientists such as Bor, Curie, Einstein, Edison, and others. This secrecy does not result from any deliberate withholding but rather from a mass ignorance and consequent inability to understand the concepts and reasoning required by advanced science.