This is R.A.G.E.: the Roleplay Adventure Gaming Engine. Written by an award-wining fantasy novelist and avid gamer, R.A.G.E. is an innovative roleplaying game system complete in one volume. This enhanced edition produces unforgettable adventures with you and your friends in starring roles. All you need to get started are some friends, dice, a pulse, and a sense of humor (roughly in that order). See why this game is all the R.A.G.E.
Why You Should Play This Game:
* Minimal bookkeeping and no need to split hairs. When in doubt, roll dice and move on.
* Story-oriented rules and quick gameplay ensure there won't be lulls in the action.
* The core system is designed to allow for play in just about any game setting.
* No fixed classes means you're free to develop your characters as you see fit.
* Magic, miracles, monsters, heroes, and villains - all included.
* Want a challenge? Try the advanced rules modules included in this book.