In the 1940s, an ice cream machine salesman from Chicago saw his sales decline across America. However, one restaurant in California was ordering more machines. He flew over to meet the customers and it changed his life. He helped the McDonald brothers to expand their business and later purchased it. Today, it is the largest fast-food restaurant chain by revenue. That man was Ray Kroc.
The success story of McDonald's has not since been replicated. They are considered pioneers in how they market themselves and the efficiency with which they run the business. Yet, before reaching the zenith of this career, Ray Kroc faced colossal personal challenges.
By the time he got the McDonald brother to allow him to franchise the chain, he was on the verge of bankruptcy, depressed, and poor family life. Instead of giving up, he fought back and created a company that everyone loves. Come face-to-face with the genius who revived the restaurant industry and paved the way for others to emulate.
Here's a preview of what you'll discover in this book:
Ray Kroc's early childhood, family life, and education A career in business and success as a paper cup salesman Change in business fortunes and traveling to California Meeting the McDonald brothers and having a revelation Pitching the franchise idea to the brothers and going national Purchasing the business and going global Constant innovation and staying ahead of the pack The legacy that he left behind….. And much more!