Do you struggle with addiction? Do you feel controlled by emotions of Depression/Anxiety? Do You feel like there is no hope, no way for you to be honest that you have problems even addiction? Are you one of the Casualties of the Epidemic of Prescription Medication Addiction? If yes, to any of these, this BOOK IS FOR YOU! From the pages the Bible Ezekiel, comes a plan for freedom from our addictions and idols; combined with the success and teachings of the 12 steps of AA; and my experience of thirty years of administering Government and Church Treatment Programs; and tied together with my over decade long addiction to Prescription Medication comes RECYCLED. RECYCLING; to CONVERT(waste) into reusable material, to alter or adapt for new use, to pass through a cycle, to taking something that was useless and make it useful are just some of the definitions. The scripture's, are filled with this concept. God takes our old sin stained and garbage filled lives and through his Grace we become saved, brand new. Ezekiel states that you give me your used up and tired addiction filled heart, filled with Depression/anxiety and I God, will REMOVE that HEART and give you a New Clean Heart. PICK THIS BOOK UP AND GET BUSY GETTING A NEW LIFE AND A NEW HEART.