The second adventure in the action-packed Dakota series. The Board of Directors of Grayson Electric have been kidnapped in Lake Tahoe. The families receive a ransom demand of three million dollars in bearer bonds...and a warning: if the police are brought in, the hostages will be killed. Dakota is hired to deliver the ransom, but while the bonds are being prepared, he enlists two Shoshone blood brothers to help him track down the kidnappers and mount a daring, perhaps even suicidal, rescue in a race against time. It's a deadly gamble, and even if Dakota succeeds, the odds are that people will die.
"Dakota's taken a course in bad-assery between volumes, doling out glib retorts and kicking ass when needed. [But] Dakota is unusual among men's adventure protagonists in that he's always checking up on injured friends, visiting their wives, and also going to visit his mother and father frequently. I can't think of anything else like it in the genre." Joe Kenny,
Glorious Trash Blog "After the high-impact finale, Ralston doesn't just throw the sheets on the corpses. He lets us stick around while the story is ironed out and Dakota explains his actions to law-enforcement. It's a unique angle that few authors rarely conceive or deliver. I applaud him for giving us a little more."
Paperback Warrior