The book details a method that just might be able to stop the Sun from losing its power and, ultimately, save humanity and the Earth itself. It investigates the idea that the distant future evolution of our Sun might be controlled (or asteroengineered) so that it maintains its present-day energy output rather than becoming a bloated red giant star: a process that would destroy all life on Earth. Starting with the ideas currently being promoted for planetary defense against impacting comets and asteroids, the book considers other, more distant, astronomical phenomena (supernova explosions, close passing 'rogue' stars, and gamma-ray bursts) that pose a long-term threat to life on Earth. It also outlines how asteroengineering might work in principle and describes what the future solar system could look like. It also addresses the idea of asteroengineering as a galaxy-wide imperative, explaining why the Earth has never been visited by extraterrestrial travelers in the past.