First published in 1987. The book is intended for class teachers (and trainee teachers) in primary schools who wish to teach religious education well but are unclear as to how they might. Firstly, this book maps out the changes that had taken place with regard to changing aims and objectives in the subject; children and their understanding of religion; and the broadening understanding of the notion of religion and considers the implications of these for the teacher. Secondly, it investigates ways in which the teacher can approach religion in the classroom. It develops five complementary approaches: thematic work, world religions, festivals, the Bible and biography. These are illustrated with numerous examples. There are also many accounts of successful pieces of teaching. Thirdly, the book recognizes that many teachers are not confident themselves in the world of religion and attempts to provide information and understanding at the teacher's own level. Overall the book sets out to be a straightforward, practical guide to the primary classroom teacher. It aims to provide a framework (rather than a straitjacket) in which teachers of different styles and from different backgrounds can work.