At the age of eighty-three, Paulus Maggo, a highly respected Inuit elder residing in Nain on the Northern Labrador Coast, began narrating his experiences; from a child riding on his father's kayak to a senior citizen watching TV programs beamed by satellite to the community. His reflections provide a rare insight on the Inuit lifestyle, social relationships, and influences causing change in Aboriginal society during the twentieth century.
Remembering the Years of My Life is the story of a man with compelling dignity and wisdom, and is a testament to Inuit ingenuity, cooperation, and self-governance that existed prior to the union of Newfoundland and Labrador with Canada in 1949. An authoritative introduction traces the genealogies of Paulus Maggo and his late wife, Naeme, to the eighteenth century and places his personal life history in the broader context of Labrador history.