Your complete startup downturn survival guide
During a market boom, startup funding is in abundance. But when a financial crisis hits, investments dry up, making it difficult for newer, smaller outfits to survive. During a period of economic instability, that task might seem even harder. However, a crisis doesn't have to mean it's time to shut up shop. Restartup shows how it's possible--by choosing to embrace instability and seizing the new opportunities it provides--to stay afloat, and even to thrive.
Arunkumar Krishnakumar and Maxson Tee --tech investor, influencer, blogger, and podcaster-- use case studies and in-depth interviews with VCs, CEOs, and academics to flesh-out anecdotal crisis-survival frameworks. They introduce you to the concepts, tools and techniques to help you sail through an economic storm.
Don't let a crisis go to waste: stop worrying and use the proven ideas in this book to turn instability into opportunity--and embrace the wild ride to survival and success.