Embark on a thrilling journey in the gripping conclusion of the Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries series. Cinderella's desperate mission to save Jeremiah leads to a perilous sacrifice, catapulting her into a mysterious future. As she awakens in an unfamiliar place, a devastating truth shatters her world: she is destined to become the Dark Queen herself.
Meanwhile, in 1815 France, the malevolent Dark Queen wreaks havoc, spreading terror throughout Beauvoir. In a race against time, Virginie and Jeremiah clandestinely return to Mont Saint-Michel, determined to rescue survivors and resist the tyrannical queen.
Unveiling a long-concealed secret about the witches' power, Cinderella and her comrades face a harrowing decision. Failure to halt the Dark Queen's rampage will unleash devastation across the land, leaving lasting repercussions for generations to come.
Will Cinderella summon the strength to defeat her dark alter ego and restore balance to the world? Join her in this epic finale, where the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.