A sheep-shearing alpha, an unusual pink omega, and an unwelcome surprise visitor from Randy's past. Is the threat to the pride about to stop the pair from finding their happy-ever-after?
When Tartie is asked to use his skill with the clippers to shear one of the new pride, he's happy to help. One look at the little pink ram and Tartie knows he's found his mate. The rest, he is positive, will work itself out.
Randy's secret hope to be like his other pride members and find a stalk of his own comes true. The problem is that an old pride member turns up right when things get interesting.
Figuring out how to stop the past from interfering is on the agenda, but first, the pair want their own moment and they aren't letting anything stop them—except maybe an omega giving birth.
Rhubarb Blush – book five of seven of The Rhubarb Effect, where showing true love involves a set of clippers, babies, and a chicken. The authors advise readers to read the books in order due to the overarching storyline threading through the books.