Aaron Nightingale, a Human transported to an Elven world, is finally settling into a peaceful existence in Shadow Hall with his Elven warrior wife Rothea.
The war with the Vampyres was fought and won, and now a trade agreement between the races is in place and supposed to be working. But all is not as it seems, and the king summons Commander Rothea Goodheart to lead a Legion to investigate rumours of problems to the regions North-West of Grildor.
Aaron may not feel himself worthy, but he is loathe to see his wife leave for a potential battle while he stays behind in Shadow Hall. To keep their name in good standing, he volunteers for the mission. Reaching Oberon, Aaron is shocked to find truth in the rumours and his worst nightmares come true.
Aaron must prove himself as capable as an Eleven warrior or the mission will fail.
Get this stand-alone Elemental novella now, and step into the world of the Elemental Saga.