A new enemy, Colonel Shona Morven, a cybernetic veteran of the war leads an elite force of rebel Black Shields commandos to Thanax. They travel with a small fleet of transports and a single battle carrier filled with fighter craft and dropships. In a stunning attack they sweep behind Union lines and overrun a mining colony and threaten to seize control of the remaining vital Mining stations in the Thanax Maelstrom. It is a vicious region of space, where dozens of mining colonies and refinery stations are based. They are constantly lashed by the powerful storms, but the materials are vital for the war effort. With the Union Army busy engaged fighting multiple battles against the rebels in distant systems only the dragoons can respond fast enough.
Part 3 of Robot Commandos, a thrilling new series of short read adventures that follow Takashi Hiraku and the Robot Commandos. An elite unit of augmented warriors that charge into battle supported by an army of robotic drones.