Rowing Slow – The Secret For Going Fast And Getting What You Want — 2nd Edition
Rowing is a tough sport, filled with hours of toll, sweat, and snarls. Or not. Rowing can and should be enjoyable, beneficial, beautiful. Rowing Slow can show you how to find the fun side of rowing. This workbook is about helping you get what you want from your rowing — while enjoying the journey.
Completely rewritten, and created by rowing coach and human development expert Mike Davenport, Ed.D, Rowing Slow is designed for all involved in rowing, especially those who have that nagging feeling they should be having more fun, getting more satisfaction.
Row Slow — To Go Fast
This 2nd edition of Rowing Slow is also about going fast, because speed does not come without the right mental outlook. This simple workbook contains over 72 pages of professional advice, and loaded with action steps, written clearly and to the point. You'll learn…
Why happiness, fun, enjoyment should be part of your rowing The 5 mysteries of rowing that can crush your experience The true history of how rowing developed Why YOU row (yes YOU, not why others want you to row) How much true enjoyment you are getting from rowing Is rowing really right for you…along with the benefits of thinking and going slow, and dozens of actions that can help you find enjoyment from your rowing universe.
Slow Is Not a Dirty Word
Based on experiences from the depths-of-burnout to the joys of competing at World and Olympics Championships, Rowing Slow is not about theory, it's about real rowing.
Find joy Grab happiness Love more of your rowingRowing is not a singular event, it's a slice of life, and that's why Rowing Slow can help you get more not just from rowing, but from life.
If you feel like your rowing is missing something this workbook might help you find it. Download your copy today.