Hitchhikers are trouble in any galaxy.
Carl Ramsey has a starship to run. Down on his luck, struggling to pay the cost of fuel, he's just looking for some quick, easy cash. While looting the wreck of passenger ship, they discover that one escape pod never ejected, and the passengers are still alive. A routine salvage job turns into a rescue mission, and a good deed never goes unpunished. With two refugees aboard, Captain Carl Ramsey finds that his ship, the Mobius, has a target painted on its hull. Someone is after the new passengers, and willing to stop at nothing to get them back.
With his ex-wife as pilot, a drunken mechanic, a predatory bodyguard, and an outcast wizard from the Convocation, what's a captain to do? Just get paid for the job, and try to keep everyone alive. That's all you can ever ask, really.
Salvage Trouble is the first mission of Black Ocean: Galaxy Outlaws, a science fantasy series set in the 26th century. Do you wish there had been a second season of Firefly? Do you love the irreverent fun of Guardians of the Galaxy? Have you ever wondered how Star Wars would have turned out if Luke and Obi-wan had ditched the rebellion to become smugglers with Han and Chewie? Then Black Ocean: Galaxy Outlaws is the series for you!
Pick up your copy of Salvage Trouble, and aim to misbehave with the crew of the Mobius.