Sarah Hall's father leaves Sarah and her mother for another woman slightly more that half his age when Sarah is a senior in high school. This has a devastating effect on Sarah. Already conflicted between good and evil, her father's abandonment devalues Sarah's self-worth and begins a downward spiral of bad behavior. Her wayward path culminates in her arrest on the charge of accessory to murder.
At the age of twelve, Sarah had accepted Christ during a summer revival at a little country church while visiting her grandmother.
On the way to the Fulton County Jail associated with the accessory to murder arrest, she hears an inner voice calling her home. It is Jesus telling her He loves her and he wants her to come home, back to Him.
Using circumstances and events that only He could orchestrate, God uses Sarah's grandmother to shine the light on the path that will return Sarah to the place her heart has sought but her flesh has resisted. There she finds Jesus waiting for her and the man God has chosen for her husband.