Roses, cupid's arrows, chocolate--chocolate? Screw chocolate! Queer up Valentine's Day instead with these hilarious, heartbreaking (sometimes deliciously filthy) valentines by a posse of queer authors who have a fresh, occasionally revolutionary (always, insightful) take on love.
A perfect Valentine's gift for the queer reader in your life.
Featuring fiction (or is it?), poetry, and non-fiction (or is it?) from Beatrice Aucoin, Dallas Barnes, L. Sara Bysterveld, Lotis Cervantes, M. Jane Colette, Callan Field, Elisa Kae, Tanysia Komers, H. P. Longstocking, Tet Millare, Brooke Nicholas, Alyssa Linn Palmer, Dana Stan, T, Mel Vee, Ann Zee, and PW Zellie, and photography from Leslie Pringle.