E. Phillips Oppenheim was the Prince of Story Tellers. In his lifetime he published over 150 books--novels, story collections, plays, travel books and autobiographical works. But a handful of his stories were never published in a book. They appeared in magazines like The Strand, Windsor and Cosmopolitan in the early 1900's, and have never been reprinted since. Editor Daniel Paul Morrison scoured major research libraries to put together the first new collection of Oppenheim stories in over sixty years: nineteen tales of mystery and political intrigue, duplicity and romance. Oppenheim could always be counted on to tell a good story, and this collection is guaranteed to keep you entertained.
Secrets and Sovereigns also features the most comprehensive bibliography ever published of the works of
E. Phillips Oppenheim. Beginning with his vast collection of Oppenheim books and paraphernalia, Morrison has crosschecked all publication data with information from the Library of Congress and the British National Library. This bibliography resolves difficult questions regarding phantom, pirated and posthumous titles that have long plagued Oppenheim collectors. In his introduction, Morrison spotlights Oppenheim's life - as riveting and romantic as any story ever told by the Prince of Story Tellers.
Whether you are a reader or a collector, there is something here for you. So pull up an easy chair and enjoy these newly-unearthed tales from E. Phillips Oppenheim.