This book taps neuroscience and neuropsychology to provide hard facts about brain conditions and the behavior that emerges from powerful brain chemistry--a fascinating read for adolescents, parents, and teachers alike.
Sexual Forensics: Lust, Passion, and Psychopathic Killers provides a fascinating examination of "neurotruths" that are relevant and applicable to 21st-century parenting and social relationships, and explains workplace "brainmarks" that enable predictive solutions to practical problems. Author Don Jacobs, a researcher who has been studying psychopathy for over 25 years, describes how psychopathy has evolved as a brain condition, documenting how the vast majority of the spectrum represents normalcy, and only 20 to 30 percent of humankind characterizes corruptors or violent, pathological individuals. The book examines examples of individuals who have demonstrated significant achievement, influence, wealth, or corruptive behavior in differently abled profiles, and provides student autobiographies that enable rare scientific insights into the adolescent state of mind.