The authors have been married for 40 years and have put many things in their respective stomachs over those four decades, and much of that input has been delicious, if not incredible. Simply put, they both love food. One enjoys cooking, the other enjoys eating. They're like an extra lyric from the song "Love and Marriage," with plates of food instead of a horse and carriage.
But all has not been smooth sailing in their kitchen. It has been a marriage with its fair share of food fights. For instance, he can't stand herring and she can't stand shrimp.
Please join the authors as they share different perspectives on a series of subjects, a twist on a he said-she said argument centered around food. No pies will be thrown in this food fight, no dishes broken, no expensive Waterford crystal shattered (the authors don't own any crystal).
Instead, they reveal their likes and dislikes, as well as reverence for a good meal, by responding separately to twenty specific prompts--as either a cook or eater. Answers were not shared until each author finished writing their respective answer, which led to a few surprises.
In the book, the authors discuss a range of topics from "What I Eat When I Eat Alone" to "A Nostalgia Meal" to "You Say Potluck, I Say Buffet," and many more, including their personal favorite: "Five People—Dead or Alive—to Invite to Dinner."
The book is partly about food but mostly about being in a relationship. Anyone who loves to cook or eat and is in a relationship will appreciate the insights, as well as the squabbles, in She Cooks, He Eats.
Dinner is now being served. All hail the cook! And don't forget to tip your waitstaff.