A Short Horror Tales omnibus featuring 3 chilling stories...
GLANCING BLOW: Late at night, a man drives through a hellish storm on a dark, secluded forest road. When a creature lunges out in front of his car, he strikes it a glancing blow... Resulting in a nerve-shredding drama of pursuit, violence and suffering as his unintentional victim seeks revenge. Can he survive this grotesque beast?
HOOKER: Beauty can be only skin deep. Horror can go right through to the bone. Nigel Fawson is down on his luck - he's lost both his job and his family - so he sets out to get drunk in a seedy bar. Soon Fawson is comforted by a beautiful girl named Valerie. When he discovers that she is a prostitute, he decides to throw caution to the wind and return to her apartment with her... And that's when his night turns from awful to utterly lethal.
CHAINED: A derelict building. The police find forty-two human skeletons... and one man chained to a wall. He is barely alive. He looks helpless, starved and possibly tortured. What happened to him? What did he witness? What is responsible for all the horrors of this house? And what is the reason for the victim's strange, desperate request?
Plus special bonus story:
Short Horror Tales are quick reads written to captivate the reader with thrills, chills and unexpected twists.
Reviews from this author's horror releases: "...thoroughly spooky, enticing and well written from start to finish."
"...great... I could feel the fear..."
"...shows true mastery of the short horror story... a wildly imaginative antagonist unlike anything I've read before... a quick, captivating read full of horror and thrills. The tense action and suspense of Glancing Blow make it incredibly hard to put down..."
(Glancing Blow - Short Horror Tales #1)"Great short story..."
(Ignition Source - Short Horror Tales #4)"...well-written, descriptive and enthralling page-turner, that's not for the faint-hearted... The twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat..."
(God Of War)"...extremely well written and very dark. The author did a great job of creating a palpable sense of doom that surrounds the main character from the beginning, and then creating more tension and horror as the story went on..."
(Into The Hole) From a review of Short Horror Tale #2 HOOKER - by 'Home Grown Horror Reviews': "...Hooker lays the groundwork with likable and relatable characters before ruthlessly punishing them. There is just enough set-up so that the reader is invested in Nigel and his troubles. This can be a tricky line to balance in a short story. Too much exposition and the reader is bored; too little and the reader just doesn't care. Once again, Thompson walks that tightrope with expertise.
"...Thompson has devised a brilliantly brutal creature to sic on his leading man. Creative and twisted, the monster is a total terror. This seems to be one of Thompson's strongest points; an ability to think up unique, awful monstrosities.
"...Hooker is an absolutely insane, blood-pumping ride. With just enough characterization and set up to bring Nigel fully to life, Thompson wastes no time getting to the horror. And once the horror starts to flow, it explodes like a firehose... With a wicked cool monster and a page-turning climax, this is one Creature Feature you won't want to miss out on."
(full review: hghorror.wordpress.com/category/authors/thompson-ian/)