Section 1: Wharton's Vaginoplasty.
1. Introduction
2. The Operations.
3. Postoperative Care
Section 2: Modified MacIndoe's Operation.
4. Introduction
Technique of Abbe-Wharton-Mcindoe Operation (Modified Mcindoe's Operation)
Taking the Graft
Creating the Neovaginal Space
Preparing the Vaginal Form
Replacing with a New Form
Sewing the Graft over the Vaginal Form
5. The Operations.Harvesting the Skin Graft
McIndoe's Vaginoplasty: Preparing the Vaginal Form
Creation of Neovaginal Space
Ensuring Local Haemostasis
Placement of the Graft
Securing the Graft in Place
Postoperative Tasks and Recovery: Postoperative Dressing
Postoperative Tasks and Recovery: One Week Postoperative follow-Up
Postoperative Tasks and Recovery: Two weeks Postoperative follow-Up
Postoperative Tasks and Recovery: Three Weeks Postoperative Follow-Up
Postoperative Tasks and Recovery: Six Weeks Postoperative Follow-Up
6. Postoperative Care
7. Results and Complications.
Section 3: Nagrath's Vaginoplasty
8. Introduction
Aveling's S-shaped Repository
The Vecchietti Operation
Nagrath's Modification
9. The Operations.Creating the Introital Dimple
The Abdominal Suspension
The Introital Dressing
Follow-Up: One Week
Follow-Up: Two Weeks
Follow-Up: Three Weeks
10. Postoperative Care
Postoperative Care
Advantages and Disadvantages
Postoperative Care