The power of having a thriving social network has many implications on your life. Those who have a good social network are those who have mastered the art of conversation. They have mastered their fear of talking to strangers and learned how to engage anyone in a conversation.
In this guidebook you will find:
- How to start a conversation even when you think you have nothing to say!
- Simple techniques to make a positive impression
- Strategies to keep a conversation going and get past awkward silences
- The strengths of introverts
- Discover why you already have great charisma, and you just need to practice
- Understand the ways people are communicating with you in a conversation
- Learn effective techniques for starting and keeping conversations going
- The reason why small talk is not about entertaining others but is actually for you
- How to turn a conversation from boring and awkward to interesting and exciting
- Simple tricks and strategies for boosting your social skills and your confidence
There are numerous things that you can do to make conversing with anyone at any time, not only conceivable but manageable, and maybe, with practice, something that is easy and fun to do as well.