If your answer to those questions is yes, then this book, SMALL TEACHING ONLINE: Effective strategies and educational science to teach anything online with no-fuss. A practical guide to having a successful online class is the best solution for you!
This book is designed for instructors who are not as self-poised and acquainted with online learning. Allow this book to be your ultimate guide to help you become well competent and familiar with online teaching. You will find everything here to communicate with your students about the intricacies behind hosting an online class.
Keep in mind that this book is created to be an informative and practical read, ensuring everyone who reads it will become well guided and be informed when it comes to virtual education.
Here's a short preview of what you will learn from this book:
- Designing For Learning
- Ways To Prepare Your Course
- Guiding Learning Through Engagement
- Surface Backward Design
- How To Get Your Online Class Started
- Strategies For Effective Online Communication
- Using Media And Technology Tools
- Building Human Connection
And So Much More!
Take note that embracing online teaching is a daunting and delicate process. Your job is to make sure the type of online learning you offer is the one that provides the promised level of quality education your students deserve.
Buy it Now and let Your Customers Will Never Stop to use this Awesome book!