In this sequel to the acclaimed novel and Wishing-Shelf Awards finalist, The Sixth Pillar, we again follow the exploits of former SAS officer Rory Calderwood, as he tries to rebuild his life following his time on the North Sea Gas rig. He has now relocated to a seemingly more tranquil area, but an act of extreme bravery leads to a chance meeting with the managing director of a company involved in making weaponry. Rory is soon hired as a security consultant, his key role, to protect them from industrial espionage. The company's latest invention, under the code-name 'Hades', will change modern warfare and there are numerous countries and agencies anxious to get their hands on the plans. What follows is a dramatic account of Calderwood's attempt to protect his employers, the story weaving from the backstreets of Birmingham to the warring factions of the Middle East. Then there is Natalie, the mysterious international lawyer from Estonia recently employed by the company; where does she fit in, in all the mayhem? Is she really what she seems or a smokescreen? Whatever you do, do not miss the exciting climax that will have readers flipping the pages to reach the conclusion.