What if civilization came to an abrupt end...
What if you were left on your own to survive...If everything had been taken from you would you risk your life to get it back or would you just attempt to hide in the shadows hoping the trouble would all go away?
Heroes are not born, they are self made through their actions and deeds. Perhaps there are no more heroes. Perhaps this is the end for man. A handful of survivors are left to decide.
SODIUM Apocalypse is the second thrilling book of this epic adventure. If you have yet to begin reading this series you will want to begin with the first book--SODIUM Harbinger. Grab your copy today!
What are readers saying about this series?
--I hope the series within the series never ends: Sodium, AMP, Omega are a trilogy of not one, not two, but 22 page turners. Great writing; thoughtful and suspenseful. There are so many great books and authors; Arseneault shares the top end of my list.--
--After reading 4 chapter's I was hooked, even finished it in a day.--
--Please write more. I would stay in this series forever if you wrote them forever.--