much of songs was created from recordings taken in the city ov melbourne, australia during 1985. it was intended to make clearer the relationship between th structures ov our society and our intimate relationships and th effect they have on each other. it is far from satisfactory.
music for an adapted version ov this work was composed by mary ann faulks, rodney berry and michael sheridan (tinney) and performed by them and th author using environmental sound tapes, junk (hubcaps, drainpipes, conveyor rollers, pieces ov metal), prepared guitars (electric guitars placed horizontally and played with bows, metal, combs, buzzers), original instruments and conventional instruments (saxophone, guitar and clarinet). a cassette, produced by ross giles and random breath collective, was available from 3pbs-fm and collected works bookshop. it has been digitised and may well become available sometime, somewhere.