Nia D'Amato, a feisty but impulsive Boston Police detective, struggling with demons from her past and a biased deputy commander, is called to a pawnshop robbery gone wrong. She questions an eyewitness with a suspicious cover story. Days later she meets the witness again in an alley in back of the jewelry store where he worked.
Her investigation uncovers an inside robbery of high-end diamonds. She follows one of the suspects fleeing on a greyhound bus to Canada through a raging snowstorm. The bus gets delayed by downed power lines and is forced to stop at the Vermont Inn.
Ongoing tensions at the inn between the owner and his wife escalate and she storms out, quickly finding herself lost and fighting to stay alive. An increasingly nervous suspect, an obnoxious bus passenger, an undercover cop, a frantic owner, and a handyman who is more than he appears to be, set the stage for a tension filled evening at the inn while a blizzard rages outside. Nia arrives at the inn in time for a final dramatic confrontation with a murderer.