Each work has been newly revised, edited and curated for the digital age. There is a complete Musonius Rufus and the rarely published Stoic Hierocles. Consolations From A Stoic contains all three of Seneca's consolations - To Marcia, To Helvia and To Polybius. On The Shortness of Life also by Seneca is presented in a brand new translation by author Damian Stevenson. The Stoics by Diogenes Laërtius is a fascinating 3rd century biography of the first Greek Stoics - Zeno of Citium, Dinoysius the Renegade, Chrysippus of Soli et al and there is also Meditations In Verse, an interesting Victorian poetic homage to Aurelius. Stoic Six Pack 2 is an amazing collection of masterworks and rarities, a must-read for fans of Meditations, Letters From A Stoic and Stoic philosophy in general.