H E I N R I C H B Ö L L (1917-85) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972. He was one of the most outspoken of literary figures, "The Conscience of Germany" if not the West, in speaking upon the hypocrisies of both denazification and the wonder of German economic recovery during the 1950s. A wounded soldier himself, Böll was a champion of individual rights over the authority of the State.
The year he won the Nobel Prize, there were also calls to revoke the award following Böll's article in Der Spiegel in defense of the constitutional rights or a terrorist group.
Essays in this volume include:
Cause of Death: Hooked Nose
In the Darkness
My Uncle Fred
The Postcard
Murke's Collected Silence
Action Will Be Taken
Bonn Diary
When the War Broke Out
When the War Was Over
The Staech Affair
Till Death Do Us Part
Rendezvous with Margaret
In Defense of Washtubs
The Freedom of Art
Individual Human Dignity
Nobel Prize Acceptance
Undine's Mighty Father
My Father's Cough
In Defense of Rubble Lite
This Type of Cheap Propaganda