A collection of oddly food-centric science fiction & fantasy short stories.
Stone Soup To feed her family, Trishla is willing to pay the price for her magic.
Hard Times Tara sees aliens all the time - at work, in the supermarket, even panhandling on the side of the road.
A Domestic Wine and Cassoulet David Masaryk is a stranded alien trying - unsuccessfully, it would seem - to keep a low profile in Southern California. You'd think that would be easy...
The One That Got Away The search for an exiled sea goddess leads Nereus, Warden of the Outcasts to a small coastal restaurant and a broken fishing float.
Job HuntYou'll do just about anything when you're desperate for work. Luckily, about the time the dog food was starting to look appealing, the alien showed up...
Sugar and SpiceCreation 101 Term Paper, Footnote 17: "Justification of the Alteration of a Non-Specific Recipe"