"My spy classmate, Andy Anderson, has written a delicious follow-on to Greene's "Our Man in Havana" in his novel Sudden Recall. It is at the same time funny, fast-paced, current and full of wisdom. It may provoke a few flashes of indignation in Langley and on the Hill but John Hunt's outbursts are long overdue."
-Fred Hitz, Professor of Law, University of Virginia, former Inspector General of the CIA and author of "The Great Game: The Myth and Reality of Espionage."
"Andy Anderson was John Carol Kingsberry Hunt-one of the dangerously ambitious bad-boy field case-officers who bedded their mistresses in safe-houses and recruited high risk, dangerous spies without prior CIA headquarter's approval.We used to say his operational reporting reads like fiction-today it is the other way around."
-Richard W. Carlson, US Ambassador (ret.) Former Director of the Voice of America
"Fact and fiction blur in this hall-of-mirrors espionage novel by CIA spy master Andy Anderson, who lays bare the awful truth about what went wrong-and is still going wrong-in America's war on terror. Sudden Recall is the inside scoop."
-Rick Carroll, author of IZ Voice of The People, and former daily journalist with the San Francisco Chronicle