I accept the sword, turn to the bully, and silently wait. Today I will die. It will be a death in a battle for pride and acceptance.
The challenger is brave and willing, but undisciplined and chaotic. My katana meets his willingness to charge forward and attack death.
In victory, I must leave to find my future.
My friend Masa knew the secrets of the shrine and why it was built on the mountain. He shows me the passage. I step into the room and leave my home to meet my future.
In the land of my home, Samurai vowed loyalty to their Shogun. In the place on the other side of the room, the Shaolin monks pledge faithfulness to the discipline at the heart of Gung Fu.
True Samurai and Shaolin will not stray from their training or fail to stand when called. I do not waiver from faith in the skills I have been taught.
Today, I stand called to face my death.
P.S. Reviews are always appreciated.