Based on his own journeys as a writer, teacher and disciple through the lectionary and his 20-plus years of experience as the editor of Connections, Jay Cormier's helpful reflections will spark the Sunday conversation around the parish table about the Gospel of Matthew. It will serve the needs of many who seek to open up this Gospel -- the homilist, the catechist, the RCIA team, or individual disciples looking for a companion on their day-to-day journey to Emmaus. Cormier follows the pericopes of both the Roman Catholic lectionary and the common lectionary used by many Protestant churches.
"Jay Cormier's reflections lift up the image of Jesus as our loving Servant and Savior, who seeks to lift our heavy burdens. They carefully relate the Gospel proclamation to contemporary culture in a warm and pastoral way that is helpful not only for Sunday preachers but also for those who seek to nourish their spiritual lives through holy reading and personal prayer." Rev. Kevin Seasoltz, O.S.B.