T'ai Chi Diet is Natural/Universal/Tao. Ch'ang Ming means "Long Life". For over 5,000 years the Taoists have studied health and diet in a scientific way, but without drugs or chemicals. The Author has studied diet and health related subjects for over 50 years. His Old Master wrote the very first book in English about Ch'ang Ming, but the author has expanded on this to create what one reviewer describes as "The Food Bible" - all you need to know about foods, what they do for you or to you. By understanding what is good for you, you can slowly cut out those that are bad for you and which cause ill-health.
The first edition of this book has sold world-wide and has become very popular as not only a health help but as a guide for those learning about diet and nutrition too, especially those interested in the study of TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes wonders like Qigong, Acupuncture, Herbs, Taoist Yoga and more. This edition has an expanded 'Special Needs' section and just a few small updates regarding vitamins and minerals. Text has been made slightly bigger for easier reading, hence more pages overall - 232 pages.