Detective Super Skunk takes on COVID-19 in Tales of Detective Super Skunk, Saving America, I. The novel superhero comes to aid America in the fight against illness causing germs. Handwashing emerges as an undiscovered weapon to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic. Beginning STEAM students are introduced to the basic process of fermentation in the context of developing disinfectants and soap as a fundamental defense.
The superhero is a rare and talented lavender skunk Tales of Detective Super Skunk Saving America is 8 x 10, cover-to-cover in color, and depicts 41 pages of colorful drawings that include the lavender skunk, his mentor "Old Mister", known as the "granddaddy of the skunks, Super Skunk's sister "Sunny Day" and local raccoons. The book was analyzed by Renaissance Accelerated Learning Readability and found to have a reading level appropriate for grades 2-5 given the average word count (3,766), average word length (4.5), average sentence length (7.8).