OCD, obsessional compulsive disorder, has no cure. It is largely genetic with environmental triggers. It can be mild or extreme. Acute or chronic. It can be managed with the right treatment and recovery is on a daily basis. CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy is highly regarded as a treatment for OCD and can give children and families coping strategies to manage.
This is a story targeted at primary school children presenting worries and anxieties. It can be read by the child alone or to a child by a parent or guardian.
When Ted went off to school in the morning, if he hopped backwards three times on the doorstep, he would surely have a good day.'
Ted was worried. He was worried about friends and food, keeping safe and that things might change. He was anxious about all sorts of things and his head became full up with his worries and anxieties. He tried his own routines and rituals to stop himself from worrying but he still worried. How could Ted's mummy help to make his head a little less full and help him feel less anxious? The worrying story of Ted with the reassuring message that there is always help at hand if only you ask for it.