"Testament of Time" follows Robert Hildibrand, a brilliant scientist and devout atheist, who invents a revolutionary time-travel device called Gladys. Determined to disprove the Bible and its miraculous stories, Robert journeys through key biblical events, starting with the birth of Jesus. But instead of finding myth and fiction, Robert witnesses undeniable truths that shake the foundations of his beliefs.
As Robert wrestles with the reality of what he sees, the world around him descends into chaos. A powerful global leader, Victor LaCroix, rises to prominence, backed by dark forces, and begins to unite the nations under the New World Order through a totalitarian system. As wars break out and moral decay spreads, Robert's faith grows, and he begins to fight for his family and the truth he once denied.
In a world on the brink of destruction, Robert's journeys through time lead him to an unexpected encounter with Jesus Christ, forcing him to confront the ultimate battle between good and evil. As global events unfold and prophecy is fulfilled, Robert and his family must stand firm in their faith while the world moves toward an apocalyptic climax.
"Testament of Time" is a story of redemption, faith, and the ultimate victory of truth, set against the backdrop of a world unraveling in darkness