Build smart!
Over and over, struggling writers make the same fatal mistakes in their manuscripts. Even writers who have studied all the best writing craft books and taken workshops and followed writers' blogs still don't get the structure.Truth is, a lot of writers believe they can write a novel without taking time to learn the nuts and bolts of novel construction. Just as with building a house, writers need to adeptly wield the proper tools and materials, and follow structurally sound rules if they hope to "build a novel."Build strong!
Smart writers will take the time to learn how to structure strong pillars that will hold up their novels. This new comprehensive writing craft book clearly lays out just how to build each essential pillar so it can carry the weight of your story. Without such foundational support, collapse is inevitable.There are 12 key pillars of novel construction, and if any of these pillars is weak, made of faulty materials, it will compromise the integrity of your novel.Build a novel that will stand up to scrutiny and thrill readers!
Inside, you'll learn:Don't waste time trying to guess at novel structure. By using this concise, detailed blueprint, you can be sure you'll end up with a terrific novel-every time!
The 12 Key Pillars of Novel Construction is part of The Writer's Toolbox Series of writing craft books for novelists. Be sure to get all of the books so you'll have your toolbox filled to the brim with the tools you need to write novels that readers will rave about!