Time is the #1 reason people either don't exercise or stop exercising.
Ironically, the exercise systems that most exercise professionals recommend to their clients are the ones that take the most time to perform. Therefore, they're actually the exercise systems people will most likely stop using, compounding the problem they're supposedly trying to resolve!
Isometric exercise is every bit as effective, and frequently more effective, at building muscle and strength as traditional forms of resistance training. It is also a time-saving and money-saving exercise solution that almost anyone can perform, even without equipment, anywhere, anytime.
As little as 70 seconds a day of targeted, focused and sufficiently intense exercise is scientifically proven to exercise every major muscle group in the human body.
The 70 Second Difference(TM) is a revolutionary new approach to exercise that uses short burst, focused isometric exercises that science has proven to be superior to traditional exercise in multiple independent scientific studies. This system gives you more results with less exercise and in less time than any other system.
The 70 Second Difference(TM) is a "must-have" reference guide about the science of exercise and good nutrition. It covers everything you've always wanted to know about muscle growth and strength, why bodybuilders and strength athletes are so physically different, how much protein you really need, weight control, fat loss, and health.
The 70 Second Difference(TM) book is complete with 3 workout routines: the beginner, the intermediate and the advanced 70 Second Difference(TM) routines.