Amazon will increase the printing cost by 40% on June 20th for independent publishers like us. Regrettably, the paperback edition will no longer be available after that date.
Learn C# Programming by "Reading" This Book! Now completely revised with C# 10.0 and .NET 6! This book covers the essential elements of the "modern C#" language (C# 9.0 and 10.0), all through carefully designed example code, which demonstrates the best practices in C# programming, as of 2022, C sharp version 9.0 and 10.0. On dotnet 5 and 6.
The Art of C# - Basics: Introduction to Programming in Modern C# will provide the best introduction to the C# programming language whether you are new to programming or you have some experience in other languages (or, in the previous versions of C#).
This book is unlike any other programming language books you might have used before. It goes through a series of simple code samples in C#, to help the readers get the general understanding of the language and its idiomatic use, in the practical context, just by reading the book. It is like learning a foreign language by reading "short stories" in that language.
The Art of C# - Basics starts from the absolute basics and moves on to more advanced topics. Unlike many programming language books, this book emphasizes the high-level concepts rather than the language syntax and other details.
The Art of C# - Basics is organized into a series of small lessons. Each lesson starts with short programs for "reading".
The book covers the following topics, among other things:
- Basic constructs of the C# language such as expressions and statements.
- Top-level statements.
- Primitive types, tuples, enums, and namespaces.
- C# classes, structs, records, interfaces, and delegates.
- Value types vs reference types.
- Generics. Pattern matching. Exception handling. LINQ.
- Fundamentals of object oriented programming.
- Functional programming concepts.
- Asynchronous programming.
As stated, however, the book does not go through these grammatical constructs, item by item, as the vast majority of the programming books do.
The Art of C# - Basics teaches the essentials of C# and the best practices in programming in C#, by reviewing well-designed code samples and explaining the important concepts as we go through the code together.
Get this book now, and start learning the Modern C# today!
(Do not waste your precious time studying the older versions of C#.) Note: This book does not cover the Windows programming, GUI programming, Xamarin, Unity, or ASP.NET. This book teaches the C# programming language and the fundamentals of programming in C#.