This is the sequel to 'The Descent of Mary Rose', in which Sister Mary Rose was a nun, married to Christ & sure that her life was to do God's bidding. That was until she met Andy, who didn't believe in all that religious nonsense & thought she was just a pretty young woman with lovely big tits in a silly dress. Quickly she changed to a life of endless orgasms and pleasure beyond her imagination.
Now, a year after they first met, Mary Rose is married, and heavily pregnant. Pregnancy is making her very horny, but at the same time, she feels heavy, uncomfortable, and inflexible. And now, 37 weeks in, she's producing milk, much to Andy's delight as they both discover and develop an Adult Breastfeeding Relationship. Then along comes young Sister Bernadette. Initially claiming she just wants help to leave the Order, it quickly becomes apparent that what she really wants is to experience the legendary sex by which Sister Mary Rose was lured away, to have Andy take her virginity, and then to claim Andy for her own. Will Andy and Mary Rose's relationship survive, and what will be the consequences for the hormonal older nun when she finds a younger woman in her bed?