The Asylum is a thirteen-act drama that tells the story of Frida, a young girl forced to live in an asylum, as she is considered mentally unstable.
This story is about freedom, about how different a woman's love and a man's love can be, about human self-hatred, sometimes so fierce that it harms not only us, but also our dear people and those who love us.
The title of the story has a figurative meaning: the author believes that our world is a big asylum, where all of us are insane in our own peculiar way. We have our strange features that are unacceptable and incomprehensible for others.
And finally, who is to decide who of us is sane or mad? Often, those who seem insane turn out to be the most sensible ones. We are considered homo sapiens: we live by the rules, and we tend to value the opinion of others above our own. And consequently, more often than not, sane people find themselves living in "a cage", while those insane are always free even in an asylum.