Co-recipient of the Louis Gottschalk Prize from the American Association for Eighteenth Century Studies
"An exemplary model of political criticism." -Eighteenth-Century Fiction
"The Autobiographical Subject is rich and richly rewarding for scholars of the eighteenth century. It deserves to be read by everyone who thinks about autobiographical practice." -Sidonie Smith, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
"Acutely analyzes the construction of gendered character in canonical British autobiographical texts and provides provocative explorations outside the canon, particularly among first-person narratives by women." -Diacritics
"The Autobiographical Subject, with its combination of provocative theory and sound scholarship, deserves a wide readership. Felicity Nussbaum's insights demand the attention of eighteenth-century scholars, feminist critics, and cultural historians, while the central questions raised by the book--how to define the 'self'? why write, why revise, and especially, why publish an autobiography?--are of interest to everyone." -Review of English Studies