It can't happen here... Or can it?
In the late 1980's Margaret Atwood's award winning novel The Handmaid's Tale showed us the dystopian society of Gilead. In 2017 Bruce Miller brought it to life on Hulu, and the parallels to the ultra religious patriarchal society to what is happening in the United States today is terrifyingly prophetical.
This Binge Watcher's Guide takes you through the first three seasons of the television series with each episode reviewed with a gut punch rating and trigger warnings. If you like to read the end of the book first or watch horror movies between your fingers, this book is for you. It's also for people who want a "couch buddy" to share all the WTF feelings that the show brings out. At the end of each chapter is a short guide on how to process the emotions brought up during the episodes and provides hope for a future that doesn't mirror June and the rest of the Handmaids existence.
Blessed be the squad!