Inspired by C.S. Lewis's satirical masterpiece, The Screwtape Letters, a story where a clever old demon methodically teaches a young devil how to tempt a human man away from Christianity, this novel takes an unflinching look at modern politics through a series of letters from a veteran politicain written to his young understudy, Delilah. As her star rises onto the national stage, Delilah's idealism will be tested and her conscious will be questioned by A.W. Spectre, a family friend with decades of experience in politics enlisted to advise her. An uncomfortable truth eventually becomes abundantly clear: the game of politics is strategically built on manipulation and lies. You can either play the game by their rules or not play at all.
The Blue State Letters reveals the strategies and goals of people vying for political power. Liberals and conservatives alike will see how government ruthlessly plays on the emotions of its constituents for their votes. Like Delilah, readers ultimately get to decide the true nature of their own ethics. Is manipulating American citizens just part of the human experience, or is it an evil display of tyranny? This novel will teach you how to spot treachery as it is fed to you at rallies, in the media, and in your own social circles. What you do with the knowledge becomes your responsibility. Resist evil and it will flee from you.