Bound since childhood to an arranged marriage, Lady Catherine Abbott now finds herself torn between duty to her family and her deeply-held ambitions. Possessed of a nimble, curious mind, a love of science and the natural world, and a singular talent for illustration, Catherine desperately longs to accomplish something of note before she resigns herself to a loveless marriage and the idle, aristocratic whirl of parties and social gatherings within the confines of the palatial Houghton Hall. Banished before his final year of medical training for pushing harder on the boundaries of scientific knowledge than any student at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the mysterious and driven Simon McKensie has blurred the lines between research and criminality and must now choose between exile to the rural country village of Wells, or the hangman's noose. When the terrifying Great Plague of 1665 spreads from London to Wells, the town's very existence is threatened and Catherine must confront her fears, her place in the world - and the burning desires she has long held inside.