Built on a fortified escarpment in the Middle Ages, the Chateau de Blois is a veritable anthology of French architecture. Unfolding around a central court, the Gothic style of the Hall of the States General blends in harmoniously with the Flamboyant manner of the Louis XII wing, the Renaissance ornaments of the François I wing, and the classical sobriety of the Gaston d'Orléans wing.
Inside the château, the royal apartments recall the lavishness of court life in this favourite residence of the Valois kings. Splendid polychrome décors created during the chateau's restoration in the 19th century - one of the first restoration projects of France's Historic Monuments administration - add to the impressiveness of this remarkable architectural ensemble.
The « Itinéraires » series, designed as a guide for cultural tourism, invites the visitor to discover the highroads and byways of France's national heritage.